All our hack are belong to us.

Active projects and challenges as of 03.12.2024 18:07.

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After-Compo Roundtables

Insights from-scener-to-scener

Beluha Chimera



Deep dreamed using DALL-E and Pholody

Music: jco - MoodyJazzHop


Demo-making Tools

Efforts to improve the quality of the output


The website is a kind of wiki that we started using to collect prototypes and ideas from participants at Demonights workshops. The software is developed by @seism, to whom you can send your love & flames for anything you see here. Above you can find a handy flowchart to choose your poison method, which you can adapt or modify using the Source link below.

The idea of this platform is to populate a page like this at the start of an event, with all the tools and resources we are especially able to support and mentor people with. See also


Tapping on a hexagon gives you a page with links, tutorials, examples, etc. And you can reference that page in your sketch or prod to give people some clues on how to emulate your stunning style.

Always be vigilant when people offer you their code!

Via Bringing new people to the scene (Pouët)

Dot Flow



Forget me not



Disclaimer: This patch was made in three hours(I came to know about this at the last moment) So extremely sorry for the very chaotic patch behind the scenes if anybody is looking. Just hit the play button to start the Demo. Once it is playing, you can use the keyboard buttons p - play/pause | r - restart | s -stop/reset

Part of the Fast Challenge 4 contest on Discord, with other results shown in the PC Demo compo at MountainBytes.

  • Made using
  • Music: super blekare by GLXBLT


Paper prototyping for demosceners of all ages


Sketches of various effects made by visitors of MountainBytes. Thanks for all the shades <3

Hello Bergbeiz

moovie and seism .. all of you .. DEMOLAB .. that's it


Photo of a thing

This image shows some of the various bits and pieces of creative kit that we brought to MountainBytes and made available to everyone in the DEMOLAB corner.


The piece of hardware in the photo is a tiny computer made for smart homes and factories by M5Stack, with an ESP32 processor and easy expandability using Adafruit Grove patches. A tiny demo made in 5 minutes blinks lights and jiggles a picture. The 'source code' is the pile of nodes in the screenshot above.

Blinken linken

Wait, but, why? There were ideas of a "Sorting Hat" 🧙‍♀️ that takes your biometrics and pseudorandomly assigns you to a legendary demoscene group, but this hack will have to wait for the next party. For now, it's just blinkenlights 🚨 for your entertainment. Speaking of which, we were obviously not the only ones getting LEDs to flash at MountainBytes, a.k.a. Bergbeiz!

Noobie with Cubes

nussgipfel ^SHHF


My very first entry somewhere. Thanks to the MountainBytes Workshop orga!

Plattform: PraxisLive, Linux Code is done with Processing

SHHF nussgipfel

 Screenshot 1

 Screenshot 2



PraxisLIVE v5 screenshot

This is the official source code repository for PraxisLIVE - a hybrid visual live programming IDE, rethinking general purpose and creative coding.

PraxisLIVE is built around PraxisCORE, a modular JVM runtime for cyberphysical programming, supporting real-time coding of real-time systems. With a distributed forest-of-actors architecture, runtime code changes and comprehensive introspection, PraxisCORE brings aspects of Erlang, Smalltalk and Extempore into the Java world ... a powerful platform for media processing, data visualisation, sensors, robotics, IoT, and lots more!

PraxisLIVE and PraxisCORE are open-source projects developed by Neil C Smith, and now supported by Codelerity Ltd..

Website & Downloads

See for more information and downloads.

There is also an online manual at

Support, bugs and feature requests

For general support or to discuss usage and development of PraxisLIVE, please check out the Community page for links to our mailing list, online chat, etc.

Please report bugs or make specific feature requests on the issue queue if possible.


PraxisCORE v5.x (runtime) is released under the terms of the LGPLv3, and free to use in open-source and commercial projects.

The PraxisLIVE IDE is released under the terms of the GPLv3 - see license for more details.

Development & Contributions

Contributions are always welcome.

An easy way to contribute to PraxisLIVE code is by making custom components for the additional components repository. Pull requests gratefully received! Eventually, these components may make it into the core distribution.

You can also get involved with building the main projects themselves - see information below.

However, you don't have to contribute code to make a huge difference. Make examples, help with documentation, assist new users, spread the word, make amazing things!

Building the source code

To build PraxisLIVE you'll need to clone the two repositories that make up the overall project - the PraxisCORE runtime and the PraxisLIVE IDE. You will also need a JDK (11+) and both Ant and Maven.

git clone
git clone

Make sure the two repository folders are in the same parent directory. If checking out a specific version, make sure to use matching tags for both repositories - eg.

git -C praxiscore/ checkout v5.5.0
git -C praxis-live/ checkout v5.5.0

PraxisLIVE is built on top of the Apache NetBeans platform and IDE. The build scripts will download Apache NetBeans dependencies, so it is possible to run the build from another IDE or the command line. These dependencies will be cached in an adjacent nbplatform folder.

You will need both Ant and Maven available. PraxisCORE has switched across to Maven and also publishes all modules to Maven Central. However, PraxisLIVE is still using Ant at this time due to features required by the build. To build a zip of the IDE with embedded PraxisCORE, execute the following steps from the parent folder (or similar steps inside your IDE).

mvn -f praxiscore/ clean install javadoc:aggregate-jar
mvn -f praxiscore/praxiscore-bin/ package appassembler:assemble
ant -f praxis-live/build.xml build-zip

NB. mvn install is required for now because of an issue between appassembler and other plugins in the build. It might be required to set JAVA_HOME on some systems.

This will build a zip of the IDE, inside praxis-live/dist.

Alternatively, run directly using -

ant -f praxis-live/build.xml run

Ant targets also exist to build a macOS application bundle and Windows installer with optional bundled JDK. See the properties documented in nbproject/ which will need configuring locally.


Party fast 8-bit production


Music: Dune // Code: Dr. Science // Art: Seism

Coded in pure Assembly by Dr. Science in a few minutes at MountainBytes with some scripts recycled from Mu Mu Land by Atlantis, released in the official compo.

Art made en route to the party place by seism on a Fairphone with 8Bit Photo Lab, then converted to C64 formats using Krita and Pixcen.

Music: finger.sid - released in 1995 by Rafal Pietraszko (Dune), and available on freely on

Making of

Title Title



A phresh C64 slideshow fastcoded at MountainBytes 2023
