Join us for the MountainBytes weekend in February full of shows, competitions and workshops, celebrating one of the oldest digital arts. During the demoparty we will set up a 👽 DEMOLAB area 👾
where we will have the infrastructure for creative collaboration, and run workshops to introduce newbies and veterans alike to current topics in realtime graphics, tracked music, sizecoding and more ++
How do I connect with others?
Create a profile, start or join a project, and start posting. On the contacts page (click the Connect button) you can find links to Discord and other channels. That's the best way to reach out to the Swiss demoscene if you're looking for members for your group or some feedback ahead of time. Or just hang out and make friends in the DEMOLAB area at MountainBytes 🐮
See also:
Why this page?
Perhaps you want other sceners to respond with comments to an idea, or even join you to make it a (second) reality! Existing scene boards can be a bit daunting for a newcomer, even though there are some really great threads on pouët and elsewhere - so think of this as a local party-BBS. During the Demolab we will collect any sketches or finished results, and showcase your sparks of creativity here. This is the way we ran last year's Graffathon and workshops at Demonights past.
Please feel very welcome to use this platform to boost 🚀 your productions and get ideas at ⛰️ MountainBytes !