× This challenge is awaiting approval from an organizer.



This Challenge is easy: Just log into our platform and join it! And invite your friends to join the Graffathon, too.

Image above: Watercolour space by The Not Yet Rusty Collective

If you want to get help, have feedback about anything you see here ... or just have a friendly chat with the organisers and fellow participants ... create a 💬 Slack account. You can then log in with Slack to create a profile and click JOIN above to see your name on this page.

  1. Check out the 📅 Event Schedule
  2. Read more at 🐎 Acceleration

Joined the team

21.08.2022 18:52 ~ chrisyo

Event finished

Hacking with P5

21.08.2022 08:25 ~ AileenBanshee


Joined the team

21.08.2022 08:24 ~ AileenBanshee

Event started

Edited (version 49)

18.08.2022 08:07 ~ seism

Edited (version 44)

16.08.2022 22:05 ~ seism


Joined the team

10.08.2022 20:30 ~ regines

Edited (version 7)

19.05.2022 18:57 ~ moovie

Joined the team

19.05.2022 18:19 ~ moovie

First post View challenge

26.02.2022 20:03 ~ seism


Contributed 2 years ago by seism for GRAFFATHON 2022
All attendees, sponsors, partners, volunteers and staff at our hackathon are required to agree with the Hack Code of Conduct. Organisers will enforce this code throughout the event. We expect cooperation from all participants to ensure a safe environment for everybody.

Creative Commons LicenceThe contents of this website, unless otherwise stated, are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.